Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day ??- A taste of home

Day ??- A taste of home We were able to do some shopping today which was a lot of fun. But first we started with worship in our room. We read some verses and sang "Jesus Loves Me." Peter seemed to know that song! We finished with prayer. Peter is doing so well with prayer time and even waits at meal times now before eating. :-) We tried very hard to include Chelsea during this with face time but it failed. Oh well. After that we headed to Walking Street to buy some "cheap" items. We bought several gifts for the women and girls, found something for Peter's side of the room, Abi found a dress, the boys bought matching dragon rings and we found Peter and Abi two pairs of shoes each. We also bought several DVD's that we can watch together. They will subtitle in both languages and you can also listen in the language that you choose. This will be great for all of us! We bought him the entire Stars Wars collection because we all love Star Wars. Gotta start the boy out right! :-) The DVD's were very inexpensive. Speaking of inexpensive, we thought we had brought more than enough money but oops, we didn't. Not to China but to the stores. ;-) Luckily our translator Miko was able to convince a store we had already visited to take our credit card and give us the money back. We are so thankful for that because Peter still needed shoes at this point. After that we headed to the room, snacked a bit and worked on some models that I brought. Andrew finally was able to go and get his remote control helicopter that he's been eyeing. Michelle and Valerie, if you are reading this, please tell your boys they are now closer to making their drone. ha! We then started walking to a park that Miko had told us about. It was quiet a walk and the park was unlike anything we had ever seen. While very different, we all enjoyed it very much. It had amusement park rides, which Peter said a very big no to, open areas to play games, beautiful outdoor structures where people were singing, a small lake with paddle boats and a small area with outdoor exercise equipment. We all had a blast playing on those. Andrew tried out his helicopter then we headed to dinner. Dinner was a taste of home tonight. There is a great Mexican food restaurant that we had been advised to try and we are so glad we did. We felt like we were at home. The food was very authentic. Eric commented that he never thought Mexican music would make him feel at home. LOL While there Peter was hamming it up. I cannot wait to share the videos we made. He tried sour cream (NO) and then added salt & pepper to it to see if it would make it better. NO! Then he put salt and pepper in the ketchup and sucked it in his straw! I recorded this and his face is hilarious!! We were laughing so hard we were crying. He then started telling us his new word which is money and making the hand motion for money. He will move his eyebrows up and down while saying it and it's just so funny. We came back to the hotel and now everyone is enjoying Kung Fu Panda 2 on HBO. This is after Peter picked his nose on the way home, wouldn't stop when I asked (told) him to, then when something was on his finger he freaked out. I told him that sometimes mommy is not as dumb as he thinks. He just looked at me sheepishly. Then we were in the room, he started counting to throw his water bottle, I said no and then it landed next to feet. He screamed sorry and ran away! That boy!! He is honestly doing very well. He is affectionate and loving. We are trying to teach him no thank you. He says no to everything, even when he means yes or just when he's sitting down and it's quiet. His laugh is very loud! He is still quiet dramatic about everything. When we told him we were heading out this afternoon, he pretended to stab himself and fell on the floor. I think that meant he wanted to stay here. I could be wrong though. ;-) He keeps us laughing and when we are stern, he does listen. He does not like it but he will obey. Eventually. He says "Oh no!" and "Wow!" a lot. The little things amaze him and it's so fun to see that. Even Andrew and Abi are enjoying that. Andrew has been taking a lot of video himself of Peter because he makes him laugh. When Peter isn't getting into his things or making Andrew chase him down. ;-) It seems that all the families are pairing up here and going out. We haven't met anyone we really "click" with. The other Lifeline families are super nice but both adopted younger babies. We have yet to see the Raffray's but plan to find them tomorrow and try to hook up at one point. We are really enjoying our time as a family though and loving the bonding that we are getting. All of the other families are very sweet and it's especially great to exchange a few words in the lobby or a store. It's like you are all part of the same club and have this mutual understanding. We are so glad to be part of this club now!! Tomorrow is zoo day! Enjoy your day of worship! I get confused on the days and just remembered that today is your Sunday! Thank you for the continued prayers!!! Loving Him, Aimee for the Akin's


lsutton said...

We miss y'all! Hurry up and come home :)

lsutton said...

We miss y'all! Hurry up and come home :)

HowardHill Vineyard said...

He sounds like an Akin to me ;) Loud and dramatic!! he sounds like a Hill too :)

Miss yall!