Monday, February 11, 2013

School and Adopting

Our school does not look like it used to. We didn't really have typical days, or so I thought. They used to be actually pretty typical. And much more chaotic. We did ask the kids to really tame down the extracurricular so we could focus on family for a while so we are now not running around with our heads cut off. Andrew still does Boy Scouts but that is not a huge time commitment. They still do church activities but that's just a given for us. ;-)

Here is some of what has changed and why it's good for us:
-My almost 11 yr. daughter cooks breakfast each morning for us. Yes, you read that right. She does this as part of her chores and loves it! She plans the menu, gets up on her own and starts the preparations. We are able to sit down every morning and eat a well balanced meal together. (except dad. Sometimes he eats on the run because we eat at 8) She does a wonderful job on this and we are so proud of her. What she is learning: 1. Cooking skills. Let's face it, most women grow up and need to know how to cook at one point in their lives. (so do men and that's a 'hole 'nother post! I will tell you Andrew can cook any meal for us that we ask!) 2. Planning. Because she does the cooking, she is allowed to plan. She is learning what works and what doesn't work. She learns what takes a lot of time and what she is capable of. We give her pretty much free reign on this and it's worked. If she needs help, we step in. 3. Independence and knowing how to think for herself. I don't think that needs to be explained! *This also gives me a chance to have quiet time, work out and shower!

-Schoolwork happens when it happens. Well the rest of the worlds viewpoint on schoolwork. Written papers, math, etc. This is required every day but we do it when we can.  Right now we are learning to be a family. This is huge for all of us. What they are learning in the process: 1. How to work with others, even when they are difficult. One of the biggest parts of any job is learning to work with others nicely. You are going to be pretty miserable in your job if you can't work with others nicely. So while Peter is being ugly to Abi, Abi is learning forgiveness and grace. To us, this is way more important than long division and verbs. She still has time to learn that. I know lots of adults who do not know forgiveness and grace, myself included, so we are thrilled she is learning this now. When Peter is going through Andrew's things and touching, touching, touching, Andrew is learning patience. He is learning it's ok to share but to have limits when needed. 2. They are both learning patience. Patience to wait on mom when she not readily available. Patience when a 10 yr. old is on the floor kicking and whining and mom must deal with that. How many impatient adults do you know? (don't you dare point to me!) They are learning that they are not the world and this world does not exist just for them. That makes me very happy because this sickness seems to be plaguing our society. 3. They are now becoming the teachers. What they have learned in life, they are not passing onto Peter. This could be vocabulary, manners, math, anything. Right now, Abi is teaching how to give the dogs nice commands and have them listen. This may sound strange but it will come in handy for Peter. He is learning to never raise his hand to a dog, to speak nicely and you will more than likely get a better result and that there are sometimes reward when you finally listen. Some good, solid life lessons I think!

So that is life at the Akin Academy! I'm sure some people are hyperventilating when they read this but oh well! This is what works for us and we are great with it. Life skills are so important and God placed us in a family to learn them. I will be updating on our weekend soon. It was...good....but for now..laundry and lunch are calling!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Sounds like they are learning a lot! :)