Friday, February 15, 2013


The last few days have been pretty good. I never mentioned that Wednesday marked one month for our family of six! Just as I posted the last post, I heard a child screaming for me to come outside quickly. Our two dogs were fighting and our bigger dog had really hurt our little dog. For the record, they've never fought before. Both Abi and Peter had a friend over so all four kids saw it. Abi and Peter were very sad for the rest of the day and worried about Sissy. (our small dog) That evening when I asked Peter if he had a good day (through our translator) he said no. I asked why and he said because Sam and Sissy had gotten hurt. Poor thing! He was so sad. I told him about Valentines Day the next day and this when the bizarre conversation started..

He asked me if Valentines Day was a Korean Drama. Now the only reason I know what a Korean Drama is I just finished reading a fiction Christian book written about the Asian culture by an Asian writer. They call them K-Dramas. They are basically Korean soap operas that are not good at all. How does he know about these?! Then he started to ask about sinners, who's a sinner, why do we go to church. I tried very hard to explain it all to him. A lot of it was lost in translation so I am not sure what he understood. Not being able to converse in our language has to be our hardest obstacle.

Thursday was another good day. He enjoyed his first Valentines Day. He even thanked Abi for breakfast. She made some awesome donuts! Before we went to bed, Peter asked me, again through the translator, if we would love him again tomorrow. He has alluded to this the night before also. I assured him that we would all love him forever. I was so sad to think that he worries about this.

Today has been a good day also! Peter wanted to do school for 2 hours! Two hours! What a difference! Now here is the best news...After we eat breakfast, we have prayer time. We take praises, prayer requests, and everyone takes a turn praying. The last couple of mornings Peter has asked to pray but looks to me to know what to say. Today he prayed all on his own!! His sweet prayer was this: Thank you God for Ninnie, Papa, Mommy, Daddy, Abi, Andrew, Meme, um (at this point I tried to help him but he told me "I got it!") and Pop! Amen." I could have cried! Again, he doesn't really understand it all but this is a huge step. Then this afternoon he had turned on the radio. He loves music. I could hear him humming 'I'll Fly Away' like he had heard it before. When the song '10,000 Reasons' came on, he cranked it up and started singing the song. He knew the entire song! The entire song! I was so thrilled! What a moment!!! I adore worshiping with my children and this moment meant so much to me! I so wish you could all see it but he didn't want me to record it. (understandably!)  We are going to keep praying for this sweet boy to accept the Lord he is singing about!

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