Monday, March 4, 2013

Some Observations

On Friday evening, something happened that made me really think. The Raffray's blessed Abi with a Chinese soup for dinner. Blue and LJ brought it over. Peter was so excited to show him around the house. He even tried to translate for Blue. So cute! :-) He has never had anyone to show off his house to! Every one that comes over already knows our house very well. This was huge for Peter. So now I need to talk to our friends... ha!

Peter has never been her for a birthday. Abi's was the first one. He was so excited all week about it. When he woke up that morning, he poked Abi in the eye. :-/ Not what she was expecting. He had pinched her the night before. 2 things on this: Peter does not know how to handle all his emotions yet. When he gets to over stimulated, he will resort to hurting someone and yelling all the time. We also notice if we do the action back, pinch him, etc., he has no response whatsoever to the pain. His eyes glass over and he will even thank us. Hmm...We are not really sure what to do about this. I did tell him today if he hit Abi again, mommy gets his bike for the day. He was not happy about this. Maybe this will work? We will see...

Peter shared his emotions with me in a positive way!! This was huge considering what I just wrote about! Abi had a friend spend the night on Friday evening and he was sad that he did not have anyone to play with. He sat down and through his broken English and motions, described that he was very sad and everyone else was happy. We talked for awhile, talked with Andrew, and the boys ended up playing together!

One of biggest issues we are having right now is Andrew and Abi parenting Peter. Abi moms him and Andrew stays on top of him all the time. I talked to them a bit last night about trying to turn it into play and to also let the burden off their shoulder. It's not their burden to carry. They have the fun job! Today has been a bit better, with a few small reminders. We are very proud of how hard all of them are working on their sibling relationships. This is not easy but all of them are putting forth their best effort. I am also impressed with how they will come to us and talk about it. Please keep praying that happens!

We left the kids for the first time on Saturday! This was not all for us either. We wanted Peter to know mommy and daddy will come back. They stayed with meme and pop for 3.5 hours and he loved it! He was so excited all day. I finally had to leave some friends at our house and take them because he kept asking. We learned he loves matching games. We were thrilled with how much fun he had and that he enjoys staying with grandparents!

Speaking of grandparents, we are off to nini and papa's! More exciting news tomorrow!

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