Saturday, March 16, 2013

Some Peter Funnies

-Yesterday while stopped at a red light, Peter noticed a convertible and he loves convertibles. We were right next to her so he rolled down his window. Here is the conversation:
Peter: Hello. How are-a you?
Lady: Good
Peter: Cool. (while making car sounds and motions)
Mom: He thinks your car is cool. (sometimes a mom must interpret)
Lady: Thank you
Peter: You're a-welcome. Good bye
Lady: Good bye
We drove off. Andrew and Abi were mortified at first but by the end they couldn't stop laughing.

-Today we took the kids to a surprise. (To eat in Tyler and visit Fresh) We asked each of the kids to guess where we were going.
Andrew: Putt-Putt!
Abi: Movies-the $1 of course! (HA!)
Andrew: No, bowling!
Peter: Banana! 2 bananas! Gun machine! (this could be a computer, games, or Jamison) Hamburger!
 Guess who was right?! Random man!

-On the way home, Peter asked what we were doing tomorrow. We reminded him that it was church day (Bible) and then he said, "Tomorrow Bible, the next tomorrow school. Oh my goodness!" Andrew quickly said, "I feel you buddy." HA!

-While sitting at the computer dreaming about vacation Peter tooted twice. He told Abi two banana's so he had to toot twice. Not sure how the other 35 came out since he only had 2 bananas.

It has been neat to see how much Peter understands lately. He understood when we called my brother Christopher yesterday that when mommy counted down we were all going to sing Happy Birthday. He understood the guessing game today and actually guessed many more places (Chelsea's work, Meme's house, Ninin's house, (he quickly corrected himself and told himself no, after Bible tomorrow) Sam's house, Eric's house. gun machines, and Jamison's house) He is also saying "I like-a that" or "I love-a that" a lot. It's very cute when he does. His favorite saying is "Oh my goodness!"

Life is always interesting!