Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Two Months Peter!!

Yikes! I was reading a fellow adoptive mom's blog and realized that it's been two months since Peter became a part of our forever family! Okay, maybe it was two months yesterday but my days seem to run together.

I cannot believe how far we have come. Most of the time it feels he has always been a part of our family and others, well, he will speak Chinese and I remember.

This is our first official day with Peter

 We were all a bit nervous and not sure what in the world this journey would be like. We are two months in and we still aren't sure! But it's worth it. Every fit, every ugly eye, every laugh, every communication problem, all of it, worth it! Now we have this silly, fun, dramatic boy that makes us laugh (and cry at times) and we can't imagine life without him!
I'm Spiderman! He tells me this several times a day.

Yep, he's an all American boy all right!

How can you not love this picture?! He will often greet me when I am on my last lap of walking the neighborhood. This is one of the mornings. So adorable!

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