Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Technology is awesome at times!

And this time it's really awesome! We had the chance to speak with Peter tonight on skype for an hour and a half!! How awesome is our God?! He is just adorable! Oh I am thrilled at the thought of having town sons!Oh my! Our translators were awesome!! May and Ryan have known Peter for three years now so they can get him to talk. He was very shy but very excited when we talked about the things we would be doing as a family. His face would light up when we talked about our fishing boat, playing with Andrew, and when he saw his room and place at the table. He did not receive his care package, :-( but he did know he was being adopted. The whole BMH staff is awesome and they are really working with him to make sure he understands adoption before he leaves. We wanted to make sure that he knew that even though he wouldn't see us for six months that we think about him every day and that family means love and forever. I honestly could just burst with happiness right now. I am beyond excited! He thought Abi was cute. LOL We have to make sure he understands she is his sister. Waiting six months will be hard but after tonight, I know how much more sweeter it will be!! He told his buddy that he is nine but we will still celebrate like he is 11 for now. He also knows about God but we are not sure if he "knows" about God. Eric read a passage to them all (about Peter & Andrew in the book of Matthew) and Peter asked his translator if that was from the Bible. So that is awesome! I wish I would have recorded the conversation. Oh, I am so happy right now!! God is so good!!!Praise Him!!!!


Laura said...


The Goforths said...


Connie said...

Incredible. I know the time is crawling by, but what a joy it will be when you bring him home. I cannot imagine our family without Daniel and Camila.