Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fundraisers And More..The Real Story

We have been so blessed by friends who are helping us bring Peter home! Before Andrew and I left for our missions trip in late May a friend had called and asked if we wanted to take their date for a Chick Fil A fundraiser because they were no longer in need of it. I told her the name of another group who I thought could use it more and I thought that was the end of it. Nope! When we returned home 14 days later, Eric informed me we were having a car wash the next Saturday! This worked out great for me because it didn't give me a lot of time to think. We sent out texts and emails asking for helpers. We were so blessed by the amount of helpers we had! My kids had friends helping, we had friends helping, we had friends friends helping; it was great! We worked for 6 hour and we raised a total of: $1,000!! Our next fundraiser was a cooking class that our two younger children taught. This was great not only for fundraising but for their public speaking skills and being in charge skills. ;-) The classes were set for Thursday and on Wednesday night we only had 4 people for each class signed up. We had prayed for a total of 8. We were a bit bummed but were thrilled that we actually had people coming. On Thursday morning, we had 12 kids in each class!!! God is so good! 4 hours of work and we raised: $350!! (I am not counting supplies because it came out of my grocery bill!) Fast forward to the next Thursday..Our wonderful friend Allison hosted a Piggies and Paws party for us. Piggies and Paws is such a great idea anyways because you receive such a beautiful print. On Wednesday night 11 people were coming. I do not know how many people actually ended up coming (or coming later) but Ali said this was the biggest gallery she ever hosted at her home. We also sold necklaces that my sister made and puzzles pieces. We were there for about 4 hours. Total made: $500!! From three fundraisers we have made $1850!! God is so good! We spent a total of 14 hours on these. AND the fundraisers were not work. They were fun!! We had a great time visiting with our friends each time and seeing them get something in return. We know of at least 3 more fundraisers (besides the puzzle pieces) that we will be doing; Scentsy home party, garage sale, (HUGE ONE!) and mosiac crosses. I also plan on selling bread at our co-op and anything else I can think of! It's been amazing to watch God provide the $10,000 so far that has been needed. So if money is the reason you are holding up on adoption, don't let it!! He always provides if it's His plan!

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