Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some Updates!

We have received our LOA! (Letter of Acceptance) This is the letter from China that says we can officially adopt Peter! We have a bit more paperwork to fill out, along with some waiting then we will receive our travel dates!! We have been told 2 1/2-3 months! Can you believe that? It's really going to happen! We held our garage sale last Thursday and Friday. We raised $4200!! WOW!! It was a great two days. We had so many people helping us. Seventeen kids came and helped us throughout the day. It was so overwhelming at times and we were so happy. The weather was great, the customers were great, the help was awesome, and so much more. We pray that at least one person had a seed planted for adopting or fostering. Thanks to those who came and helped. Our Scentsy party was the a week ago last Thursday. We had such a fun time. We also had our friend Teresa's crosses here along with some other little fundraising ideas. We raised $350 through Scentsy and $96 from crosses! What a great night! A huge thank you to Linna Sutton and Teresa Grimes!

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