Friday, March 14, 2014


As I sat in bed this morning, I read over this blog. I was grieved to realize that I have lost my zeal for Christ. Oh sure, I am still a Jesus lovin girl but something has been missing. And anger and bitterness took His place. When did I stop giving praise to Jesus for all He's done? When did I start getting discouraged over the little things and not looking at everything Christ has done? I became caught up in things I did not need to be caught up in. I became my own worst enemy. It's been apparent in my speech, actions, and daily life. So today I choose joy. Here are some joyous moments that must be shared!

-Our agency is willing to fight for us! They are doing all they can to see Sweet T become ours. They also know that it may not happen so they pray for us daily. How many can say their agencies do that?

-Peter's surgery was so great for bonding. He saw that we were going to be there for him. I am sure that there was a little part of him that wondered if we would be there when he woke up. What a joy to be there, to hold him, to reassure him that we will always love him.

-It's amazing to see how much Peter is relying on God more and more. This sweet boy love Jesus so much. He wants to go to Israel to walk where Jesus walked. He wants to start a Bible study with his daddy. What a blessing!!

-Seeing the hand of God throughout this last year is simply mind blowing. We do not deserve all the goodness that He has bestowed upon us!

Joy does not always come naturally. Just like love, finding joy is a verb. You must look for it. You must actively pursue it. I am grieved that I lost joyous moments due to selfishness. But we serve a God of grace and redemption. How sweet is the name of Jesus!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Surgery, update, and fundraiser, OH MY!

It has been so long since I have updated. Living life has a way of doing that to you! Peter had surgery last Monday. They did a bone graft which means they took some bone marrow from his hip and inserted into his mouth/nose area. They also extended his palate. We have been shocked at how quickly he has recovered. He was ready to play outside the day after the surgery. His pain tolerance is amazing. But like a friend said, compared to what he's been through in the ten years he's been alive, this is nothing. Yesterday he decided to knock a bit hard on our door which has multiple little windows in it and yes, his hand went through the glass. Off to Good Shepherd we went and we left with five stitches. Life is always an adventure!

Update on Sweet T..oh how we long to tell you her name and know she is ours forever! But that is not God's plan just yet. We are awaiting confirmation that our dossier has been sent to China. Once this is approved, we will hopefully be able to lock her in. The one little glitch or miracle that has occurred is that she is now off the shared list. Our agency can still ask for her file but China can say no or another agency can request it. We covet your prayers that this will work out!

Fundraiser...I have so many fundraisers on the back burner right now that it's crazy! We will be completing the cook book soon along with updating our t-shirt fundraiser. I would really like to have a face to go with these fundraisers so they are on hold for now. But my awesome hubby Eric has been fundraising like crazy in his own way. One of the ways we will be raising money is selling coffee! This is an easy fundraiser for us and you. You just click on the link provided, choose your coffee, pay and they send it to you. Click on this link and start ordering! We will have this fundraiser available until we leave for China!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. You have no idea what it means to us!